Our services

Product design

Reverse Engineering
Rapid prototyping

About us
Welcome! Your engineering office for product development.
Our philosophy
The ISO 9001 quality certificate is one of the most well-known and most widely used ISO standards of Slovak companies. This standard focuses primarily on the management of the quality management system of all activities and processes in the given organization. The standard helps connect the business plan with the day-to-day management of the company. It is primarily oriented towards customers and consumers, who named it as Quality Certificate.
The standard addresses the entire spectrum of activities from recruitment of workers, protection of personal data, selection of suppliers, internal audits, to the fulfillment of requirements specified in contracts and orders.

Our team
Stay in touch
Basic contacts
Headquarters Slovakia
Valta Engineering, s. r. o.
Južná trieda 44A,
SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Office Germany
ValtaEngineering GmbH
An der Tuchbleiche 4
DE-81927 München, Germany